Practice yourself, for heaven’s sake, in little things; and thence proceed to greater.
Data-intensive computing
- Vast amounts of data becoming avaliable.
- The infrastructures allowing to persistently store these date for sharing and processing.
Need to Unify the Knowledge
- Theories
- Experiments
- Simulations
Big Data
The Combination
The combination of the internet and emerging technologies transform everyday objects into *smart objects capable to understand and react /to their environment. *
- Near-field communications
- 近场通讯(NFC)
- Real-time Localization
- 实时定位
- Embedded Sensors
- 嵌入式传感器
Several Important Research Questions
System Architecture
- Who does work and how it connect ?
- The right balance for the distribution of functionality between smart objects and the supporting infrastructure.
- Cloud Computing and Big Data become true infrastructure enablers(基础设施推动者) for IoT.
- Cloud computing, big data, mobility , IoT
- The four areas creates a new “Platform”
Design and development
Human involvement(人类的参与)
IoT concepts and Arguments
If you want to know this field deeply, yo ushoule konw the history of this area well.
1995, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates,《未来之路》
2005, ITU
2008, IBM “Smart Earth”
2009, “Sensing China”
IoT Historical Process
- The main clue of development is complicated, the origin is not simple and single
- RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification), 是一种无线通信技术,可以通过无线电信号识别特定目标并读写相关数据.
- Pervasive Computing(普适计算), Mark Wiser.
- Perception(感知) and Internet
- 普适计算是一个强调和环境融为一体的计算概念,而计算机本身则从人们的视线里消失。 在普适计算的模式下,人们能够在任何时间、任何地点、以任何方式进行信息的获取与处理。
- 普适计算是一个涉及研究范围很广的课题,包括分布式计算、移动计算、人机交互、人工智能、嵌入式系统、感知网络以及信息融合等多方面技术的融合。
- “The most profound technologies are those that disappear.”
- 传感器、芯片做得越来越小,人们在感受到这些电子器件所带来的服务时,是感受不到这种计算的本身的。
- Embedded Systems
- The late 1990s, the sensor network started.
- In 2006, NSF workshop on CPS(Cyber-Physical Systems) Infromation - Physical Fushion Sytem.
What is IoT?
One defination of IoT
In computing, the internet of Things refers to a network of objects.
It’s often a self-configuring wireless network.
- Q: What’s self-configuring? A: Autonomous configuration of network parameters in order for a network to become operable.
Three important feature()
- Equip the common objects(普通对象的设备化)
- 比如,普通的设备加入传感器
- 服务的舒适性、安全性
- Connect the autonomous terminals(服务终端的自动化)
- 采集数据、分发数据
- Smarten Pervasive service(普适服务的智能化)
- Equip the common objects(普通对象的设备化)
The different between telecom and internet
Telecom service providers offer voice calling and text messaging directly, while internet services run on the top layer of the network as standalone services.
The services are offered in a different context, even if they sometimes serve the same function for end users.
Internet 除去传输声音和信息外,还需要传输数据。Telecom有更高的传输速度。
- 自由网(ad hoc network/mesh network),peer-to-peer,点对点、去中心化且匿名。
- e.g. FreeNet
- 现在还没有足够的算法能够使得大面积的通过自组网技术的数据传输成本降低,但未来或许可以。
Other definitions